Kashmir, the crowning glory of India, is poetry of nature. The beauty of Kashmir has always attracted travelers and emperors alike to appreciate the enchanting wonder that Kashmir is. A Kashmir Tour Packages is an experience of a lifetime, unforgettable in every way. The Kashmir holidays experience is no less splendid than a most beautiful dream, the kind of which we see with our eyes open. From the quiet sunset on Dal Lake in Srinagar to the thrilling rush of white water rafting adventure sports of Gulmarg, Kashmir has a plethora of unforgettable experiences to offer to the traveler. In fact, the beauty of Kashmir can be summarized into three distinct categories, the foothill plains of Jammu, the beautiful lakes and valleys of Kashmir (Gulmarg, Sonmarg, Pahalgam, Srinagar etc) and the magnificent mountains of Ladakh and Leh. This is the reason we offer tour packages encompassing these three distinct regions of Kashmir. Kashmir is also a holy land with pilgrims visiting the Amaranth Siva-Linga made of ice and also the Vaishno Devi temple pilgrimage. Therefore, if you are a pilgrim to Kashmir, you should choose the tour package that takes you on your pilgrimage.
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